Dec 30, 2015

You've Contaminated Every Inch Of Me

"You've contaminated every inch of me. I no longer know what to do and my dreams have gone wild. I'm now dreaming of you basically every night and see your face each time I close my eyes. I guess my indecision all comes back down to my fear again. I don't know how you can love me. I don't know how I could make it if you left me and I didn't have something or someone else to hang onto. Yet, I'm terrified of losing you."

~Grace Marshall
From my short story, "You've Contaminated Every Inch Of Me"

Dec 4, 2015

The Fight

"Don't tell me any lies
I'd rather know nothing
Than be deceived
And live in a disguise

I'm supposed to believe you
But you are a contradiction
It's like being hot and cold
Denying and believing yes and no

You can't make up your mind
You can't decide anything
You don't know what you want
Inside of you what would I find

You want me to be there
And yet give you space
I feel as if I'm in the lion's mouth
Or deep inside his lair"

~Grace Marshall
From my poem" The Fight"

Dec 2, 2015

Sweat and Tears

"I saw you 
Last night
You held me close
And it felt so right

We danced
Around and around
And listened to
Each other's heart pound

Then you kissed me 
Square on the lips
And you wrapped your arms
Around my hips

And you whispered 
Sweet words in my ear
You told me how you love me
And told me not to fear

You held me close
Right up against you
Said how you loved me
And everything I do

And I rested
Securely in your arms
I knew I was safe
I wouldn't come to harm

I saw all this
It was vivid and clear
And then I awoke in my bed
Full of sweat and tears"

~Grace Marshall
From my poem, "Sweat and Tears"