Feb 26, 2016

Nothing Matters

"My family and friends
Have mostly given up
This can't be the end
But sometimes it feels that way

There are no more blind dates
No more attempts at happiness
I think it's too late
They seem to agree

Nothing matters anymore
Now that you're gone
My world has crashed down
Hopelessly I continue on"

~Grace Marshall
From my poem, "Nothing Matters"

Feb 24, 2016

How Did It Turn Out Like This

"How did it turn out like this
How did we fall to pieces
How did it turn out like this
How did our hearts shatter

How did it turn out like this
How did we drift apart
How did it turn out like this
How did our love become heartache

How did it turn out like this
How did hate grow inside
How did it turn out like this
How did our love evaporate"

~Grace Marshall
From my poem, "How Did It Turn Out Like This"

Feb 20, 2016


"I am so confused
My heart is twisted
Between two men
I missed it
Who is for me
Who's meant to be

I feel bad
It makes me sad
He gave it all
What if I leave
Will he hate me
Did I deceive"

~Grace Marshall
From my poem, "Confusion"

Feb 18, 2016

An End

"For forgivness I beg
On my knees I pray
My breath seems to lag
I gave it all away"

~Grace Marshall
From my poem, "An End"

Feb 16, 2016

You Gave Me A Kiss

"You gave me a kiss
And then comforting arms

You gave me your love
And then happiness

You gave me a dance
And then your heart

You've me the moon
And then the stars"

~Grace Marshall
From my poem, "You Gave Me A Kiss"

Feb 14, 2016

Is You

"I won't lie
Sometimes I still cry
When I think
About you leaving
It pushes me to the brink
But I love you
No matter what you do
You say you love me
And I think it's true
What else could it be?

~Grace Marshall
From my poem, "Is You"

Feb 12, 2016

In You

"And I'll trust in You
The clouds may roll in
And cover the sky's blue
There may be temptation and sins

But I'll close my eyes
I'll grind my teeth
Won't look at the black skies
Or stony ground beneath"

~Grace Marshall
From my poem, "In You"

Feb 10, 2016

Good Morning, Jesus

"Here on my knees
The stars above
Shining in through my window
Reflecting Your love
The clouds reflecting Your majesty
And Your warm embrace
Let's me know You're here
Shows Your sweet grace
And says, 'Sister, you're safe.'"

~Grace Marshall
From my poem, "Good Morning, Jesus"

Feb 8, 2016

Feb 6, 2016

I Can't Reach

"I'm falling
And I can't reach
Down this dark
I fall
I reach out 
I call"

~Grace Marshall
From my poem, "I Can't Reach"

Feb 4, 2016

Vote For "No Pizza Delivery?" Book Cover

I am currently taking votes for the most popular cover for No Pizza Delivery, my next book coming out in June.

I will be taking votes through the end of the month. I have a few examples below, please click the link to see all the covers and find out how to vote:

Feb 2, 2016

From "No Pizza Delivery?"

Roy snorted as the saddle fell and he shied away from it a few steps. She heard her grandfather laughing from behind her. “I thought that Clydesdales were supposed to be calmer and Quarter Horses more flighty,” Ruth complained.

“Mirage is over 22 years-old and trained to compete. Ol’ Roy just turned 4 this year.”
“Then why do you keep calling him ol’ Roy?”
“Because he will be old, some day, and young Roy sounds derogatory. I wouldn’t be derogatory toward a creature that large but if you want to, you have at it.” Ruth wondered how she’d never before realized her grandfather was a tad loopy.

~Grace Marshall
From my story coming out this June, No Pizza Delivery